Getting to the Core of Apples

Getting to the Core of Apples

Different varieties of apples are ready at different times of the year. The 2024 season in Victoria is looking like this:

February: Royal Galas, Bonzas, and Cox’s Orange Pippin
March: Jonagolds by mid March; Fujis and Granny Smiths by end of March
April: Pink Ladies
Late May/ Early June: Lady Williams and Sundowners

Each variety has a different shelf life. Some keep for two months while others such as the Pink Ladies are harvested in April but can keep up until November.

How do they last?

This is a very delicate and well managed process. The air we breath is 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% other. Oxygen ripens apples.

Our farmers store apples in cool rooms that have nitrogen pumps to rid all but 2% of the oxygen to prevent ripening. Each apple variety has a different temperature and oxygen level that they like to be stored at.

Shop freshly picked apples at our markets every week! Read more below. 


A bunch of red apples

Text over a faded picture of apples

Text over a bunch of green apples