Ever wondered why the veg you buy from the shops tastes so much less delicious than the produce you pick up at your local weekly farmers market?
There are a few factors at play, one of which is the time that produce sits in transit and on the shop shelf before it makes its way to your kitchen. Lots of fresh produce begins to lose nutrients, and taste, immediately after harvest.
While plants are growing, they are constantly being filled with nutrients. For some produce, once picked, nutrient loss begins immediately. For example, spinach loses about 10% of its nutritional value per day. Produce that is high in vitamin C loses up to 50% of its vitamin content within three days after harvest.
Sometimes you can taste the difference. Sugar snap peas taste SO sweet off the vine but within 6 hours at room temperature, they lose about half of their natural sugars.
When you shop at the farmers market, you’re getting the freshest possible produce that is packed with nutrients. Not to mention, all the extra nutrients from regenerative or organic soil. It’s one reason why farmers market produce tastes so incredible.
Farmers market produce hasn’t been frozen & defrosted or treated with ripening agents. It hasn’t been shipped around the world or preserved with sulphites or chemical preservatives.
All of the produce at our markets comes straight from the farmer who grew it, right here in Victoria.